Cash is King: Small Biz Cash Mastery

Empty Cash Flow

Is your business cash flow like the empty wallet in the picture? Managing cash flow of a small business is like dancing a waltz, and your partner is taking center stage. Their name is cash flow. Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. It is the heartbeat that keeps operations running smoothly. For small … Read more

Cybersecurity Tips for SMBs

In an era dominated by digital connectivity, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) find themselves navigating an increasingly complex landscape of cyber threats. In “Cybersecurity Tips for SMBs” we will explore different ways a business can be attacked and steps you can take to protect your business knowing that the protection is only as good as … Read more

Crack the Code: Home Office Taxes

The global shift towards remote work since the start of COVID, has ushered in new opportunities for small business owners. Amidst this transformation, understanding the tax implications and available credits is paramount. “Crack the Code: Home Office Taxes” aims to provide information for small business tax credits related to working from home, offering insights into … Read more

A Blueprint to Work-Life Harmony

Welcome to the demanding yet rewarding world of being a Small Business Owner, where the lines between work and life are often blurred or non-existent. As I begin to write this article, I find myself thinking back to a book I have read a few times called “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin … Read more

CEBA Loan Repayment: Are you Ready?

In the ever-evolving landscape of business finance, staying informed about government assistance programs is crucial for entrepreneurs. Recently, significant changes have been announced regarding the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loans. In this post, we’ll delve into the key aspects of CEBA, its purpose, distribution, loan amounts, the original repayment terms, and the consequences of … Read more

Do You Have Your Antivirus Shot?

In the fast-paced digital era, where data fuels business operations, safeguarding this vital asset is paramount. Cyber threats loom large, necessitating a robust defense strategy. This article explores the critical importance of a strong data backup plan and reliable antivirus protection. Additionally, we delve into a comparison of the top 5 antivirus and backup solutions … Read more

Are you Backed Up?

A robust data backup plan is a cornerstone of effective data management and business continuity. This plan involves the systematic and regular copying of critical data to ensure its availability in the event of data loss, corruption, or a catastrophic event. Key Components of a Data Backup Plan: Identifying Critical Data: Begin by identifying and … Read more